Original Polish sabres on tabloos are replicas of white arms used by the Polish and French cavalry. These products can be a great idea for a gift for a collector or connoisseur of this type of weapon.
Magnificent replicas of white weapons used by the Hussars, General Sikorski, as well as soldiers serving in the French cavalry, look very impressive. Original Polish sabers on tabloid were made of high quality materials. These products are available in many versions, including without etching, with a scabbard, as well as with a smooth blade on both sides.
Polish sabres on tablo – elegant replicas of white arms
Beautiful replicas of white arms are distinguished by carefully crafted linings. High-grade steel head has an elegant, semi-matte finish. Beautifully crafted sabers on tablo can be hung on the wall, in order to expose your replica and present this type of white arms, for example in a specially prepared for this purpose, illuminated display case.
A great gift idea for a collector – Polish sabres on table.
Made with attention to every detail, even the smallest replicas are also available with a double-bladed plate. For very demanding customers we prepared products with a tin scabbard, decorated with two riffles and a movable butt cap, finished with a sharp-edged flipper. Exceptional Polish sabres on tabloos were reproduced preserving their original dimensions.
An unusual idea for a gift may be Polish sabres on a plate. These are unique replicas of white arms, which will positively surprise those who collect this type of products.